Easter Sunday Dog Show

Easter Sunday is primarily a day to celebrate with shows, egg hunts and plenty of food. However this Easter I did something new and different from the traditional celebrations, I attended a dog show. This dog show was put on by The Victoria Inn in Burnham-on-Crouch to raise money to support Guide Dogs and help other dog related businesses.

Poster for the Victoria Inn dog show with a green background and images of  dogs. The poster contains details of the show.
Image from Victoria Inn Facebook page.

The sun was beaming down with lots of noise and activity coming from the stalls that were setting up; who were trying to find the best way to lay out their stall to display all of their goods. Dogs and owners began showing up around 1pm with registration for the dog competition beginning at 2pm and the show beginning at 3pm. 

I can say with certainty that the smell of dog cologne and dog treats mixed with the smell of roast dinner was an interesting one which certainly confused the senses. Especially as the space wasn’t the largest. That didn’t stop people from showing up there was so many people it was like being at a concert. There was around 200 entries for all of the categories, which shocked me as I didn’t realise how seriously some people took dog shows especially one as small and local as this one.

The categories for the dog competition included

Image of a Golden Retriever Labrador.

Most handsome hound

Prettiest Bitch

Image of three different dog breeds.
Image an older white dog.

Golden oldie (a dog over 8)

Cutest puppy (a dog under 1)

Image of a young small brown and white dog.
Image of different dog breeds waiting to go through a blue tunnel.

Best trick

Most obedient

Image of a brown and white border collie sat with in front of its owner.
Image of a brown shaggy dog with a unique face.

Funniest dog

The judging was done by 2 dog breeders and there were many tough calls throughout the afternoon for the winner to be chosen.

The stalls were also amazing from homemade vegan dog treats that helped with digestion to homemade pieces of art, bowties and home décor. All of the stalls were very informative and I learnt a lot about what dogs need to eat to maintain their digestive system and help their dental health. There were also raffles and three kinds of tombola (one for adults, one for children and one for dogs) at the Guide Dog stall which was fun for everyone who had a go.

Overall it was a great afternoon out with so many different stalls with so much to offer. I did find it slightly overwhelming as it was so busy with the pub still open and the football on just added to the noise and crowd.

Altogether £384.52 was raised and donated to Guide dogs. The landlady at the Victoria Inn has already said she would love to do the event again next year and as someone who had never been to a dog show before I will definitely be attempting to save money so I can go again.